Arnaldo Camuffo

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Pubblicazioni recenti

CAMUFFO A., GAMBARDELLA A., Messinese D., Novelli E., Paolucci E., Spina C. A scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision‐making: Large‐scale replication and extension Strategic Management Journal, 2024, vol.45, no. 6, pp.1209-1237
CAMUFFO A., Poletto A. Enterprise-wide lean management systems: a test of the abnormal profitability hypothesis International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2024, vol.44, no. 2, pp.483-514
CAMUFFO A., GAMBARDELLA A., PIGNATARO A. Framing strategic decisions in the digital world Strategic Management Review, 2023, vol.4, no. 2, pp.127-160
De Stefano F., Bidwell M., CAMUFFO A. Do managers capture the value they create? drivers of managers’ value capture in a large retail chain Strategic Management Journal, 2022, vol.43, no. 10, pp.1983-2011
SECCHI R., CAMUFFO A. Mitigating the risk of failure in lean banking implementation: the role of knowledge codification Production Planning & Control, 2021, vol.32, no. 12, pp.1036-1048
CAMUFFO A., Cordova A., GAMBARDELLA A., Spina C. A Scientific Approach to Entrepreneurial Decision Making: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial Management Science, Febbraio, 2020, vol.66, no. 2, pp.564-586

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Finalist - SMS Research Methods Conference Paper Prize – A. Camuffo, A. Gambardella, C. Spina - Strategic Management Society , 2019
AoM Annual Meeting – OMT Division. Finalist: Best Symposium Award - F. De Stefano, M. Bidwell, A. Camuffo, C. Chadwick, The Value of Managers: The Role of Managerial Human Capital in Value Creation and Value Capture - Academy of Management , 2017
Distinguished track paper: Quality Management and Lean Operations track, (con F. Gerli), Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA , 2012
Chris Voss Best Honourable Mention Paper Award (con A. Furlan, P.Romano, A. Vinelli) alla EUROMA 11th International Conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, Francia , 2004
Best Paper Award (con F. Gerli) alla British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Middlesex University, London, UK , 2002

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