Annalisa Prencipe



Pubblicazioni recenti

Ivanova M. N., PRENCIPE A. The Effects of Board Interlocks With an Allegedly Fraudulent Company on Audit Fees Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance, 2023, vol.38, no. 2, pp.271–301
D'AUGUSTA C., PRENCIPE A. Accruals Quality, Shocks to Macro-uncertainty, and Investor Response to Earnings News European Accounting Review, 2022, pp.1-24
Siciliano G., PRENCIPE A., Radhakrishnan S. Trust, family firms, and M&A quality Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2022, pp.1-27
PRENCIPE A., Viarengo L. Should I Trust You? Bidder’s Earnings Quality as an Indicator of Trustworthiness in Earnout Agreements The International Journal of Accounting, 2022, vol.57, no. 01, pp.2250002
MINICHILLI A., PRENCIPE A., Radhakrishnan S., Siciliano G. What’s in a Name? Eponymous Private Firms and Financial Reporting Quality Management Science, 2022, vol.68, no. 3, pp.2330-2348
MANCINI C., PRENCIPE A., TETTAMANZI P. (a cura di) Bilancio Consolidato - V Ed. Egea, Milano, Italia, 2021

Grants & Premi

Impact of Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
18° Donato Menichella Prize - Fondazione Nuove Proposte , 2018
Excellence in Teaching Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2015
Excellence in Teaching Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2013
Excellence in Teaching Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2012
Excellence in Teaching Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2010

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